
statement Examples

  • Examples of statement
    1. "A implies B" is a conditional statement.
    2. a divergent statement
    3. The Federal Reserve's statement on recent inflation was interpreted as dovish by the market.
    4. The Federal Reserve's recent statement on the slowing of inflation was interpreted as hawkish by the market.
    5. "I pronounce you man and wife" is a descriptive statement, but also has illocutionary force.
    6. Her statement that Hitler was evil is incontrovertible.
    7. The court found the statement was not libelous because it was true.
    8. Here, then, is an example of an arithmetical statement that may be true, but may be non-derivable from the axioms of arithmetic.
    9. an official statement or report
  • Examples of statements
    1. Loops and conditional statements are constructs in computer programming.
    2. His latest statements seemed to depart from party policy somewhat.
    3. Another important meta-ethical theory is known as emotivism or non-cognitivism. Emotivists ... claim that all ethical statements are literally meaningless.
    4. He carefully hedged his statements with weasel words.
    5. A Japanese man who is tried before a German court is assisted by an interpreter in making oral statements.
    6. It is essential for the analyst to be able to construct these canonic statements out of the linguistic statements given in the lexies.
    7. Like most statements on BlueSky that call attention to norms of masculinity, accusations of male answer syndrome tend to be offered and taken in good humor.
    8. For example, researchers’ own statements reveal that the experimental development of gynecologic surgeries like Caesarian section, vesicovaginal fistula repair and ovariotomy were perfected almost exclusively using enslaved black women.
    Difficultness: Level 1
    Easy     ➨     Difficult
    Definiteness: Level 9
    Definite    ➨     Versatile
    Related Links:
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    3. en statemented
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