
predicting Examples

  • Examples of predict
    1. So does nonexercise activity, and so, according to a pivotal set of sweat studies done during World War II, does clothing, although not in the way one might predict.
    2. Many computational algorithms have been developed to predict gene functions from omics data. As the omics era starts with completely sequenced genomes, early efforts on algorithm development focused on exploring genomics data for gene function prediction.
    3. Let's see if we can predict and correct for the overshoot.
    4. When we regress Y on X, we use the values of variable X to predict those Y.
    5. Using the labeled data, we further design and evaluate the performance of classifiers to automatically detect and predict incidents of cyberbullying and cyberaggression.
    6. Usually, viable microsclerotium density in soil can be quantified prior to or at sowing in order to predict the risk of wilt [2 –5 ].
  • Examples of predicts
    1. Mlade 5 has a Neandertal-like sagittal contour, a well-developed occipitomastoid crest, minimal mastoid projection, and evidence of midfacial prognathism, insofar as the marked anterior projection of the upper face predicts this.
    2. The global androgenization hypothesis predicts that neighboring males will masculinize both AGD and 2D:4D and, therefore, that AGD and 2D:4D will correlate within sexes.
    3. PM predicts water recycling backflips. Courier Mail, 29 Jan 2007
    4. Because statisticians use the term regression for the process of computing an expression that predicts a numeric quantity, decision trees with averaged numeric values at the leaves are called regression trees.
    5. The most reliable simulation predicts that the hurricane will turn north.
    6. Consequently, the quadratic interactions mechanism predicts that the fraction of DSBs which remain unrejoined at a given time after irradiation should decrease with increasing radiation dose.
  • Examples of predicted
    1. A similar value was predicted earlier based on semiquantitive considerations by others (e.g. [39 , 81 ]).
    2. To avoid the failure of compounds at later stages, due to difficulty in their synthesis, the ease of their synthesizability was predicted using ‘SyntheticAccessibility’ module of myPresto (Medicinally Yielding PRotein Engineering SimulaTOr) program suite.
    3. Overall predicted densities (log transformed) of each species are shown underlayed, with the highest densities indicated by dark grey cells.
  • Examples of predicting
    1. He was a financial wizard, capable of predicting the movements of the stock markets.
    2. He and his lunchmates have all taken a stab at predicting the outcome, and office pools are sure to follow.
    3. Perhaps a more trenchant criticism is that predicting megagrowth stocks defies hard analysis or, as the author says, is largely a matter of intuition.
    4. It may be sunny today, but the weather forecast is predicting rain for tomorrow.
    5. Professor Trelawney kept predicting Harry’s death, which he found extremely annoying.
    6. Although monitoring uterine activity using a tocodynamometer (TOCO) or magnetomyogram was also initially thought to be a promising approach for predicting risk of preterm delivery, recent studies have not confirmed this.
    7. Although numerous studies have attempted to identify biomarkers capable of predicting pharmacotoxicity, few have attempted to discover robust biomarkers that are coherent across various species and experimental settings.
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