
fabric Examples

  • Examples of fabric
    1. Because the wool is poor quality it is coarsening the fabric.
    2. The blimpy costume, roughly humanoid, covered her from the neck to the wrists to the ankles with a plain white muslin fabric (why do we always think of fat people as pale?) stuffed with something airy, perhaps shredded toilet paper.
    3. One sample, W52 (fabric group 3), separates out from the other sherds, which overlap with a considerable amount of intrasample variation.
    4. Soon, he said, he would like to turn his attention to the pretied bow tie — from its fastener to its fabric.
    5. Under Armour already tests new products on campus, including a new so-called ungrabbable fabric, using athletes as part of its research-and-design process.
  • Examples of fabrics
    1. Furlike fabrics include "Imitation Broadtail", "Imitation Beaver" and "Imitation Mink"
    2. A contributing factor to this slightly regressive femininity may have been the sugary fabrics (silver lamé, tulle over sequins) and the meringuelike puffs and baby Googums bows at the neck.
    3. Usually not enough to make an entire project by itself, remnants of several fabrics can be used to make quilts.
    4. Blood can make a very stubborn stain on fabrics if not washed properly.
    5. I prefer tailorable fabrics to make myself some unique outfit.
    6. English is little heard, and women wrapped in Technicolor fabrics plait microbraids into customers’ hair as their colleagues beckon passers-by.
    7. Some textile fabrics have little substance. ‎
    8. The scale of the printed fabrics is just right: the yellow calico of a blond girl’s sunsuit, the tiny picturesque country scenes in red, blue and green on a gathered skirt.
    9. Spielvogel said wet cleaning also has limitations; while it is fine for cottons and fabrics worn in warm climates, he said, it can damage heavy wools or structured clothes like suit jackets.
    10. Fabrics needed to be lightweight, gasproof, and strong.
    Difficultness: Level 2
    Easy     ➨     Difficult
    Definiteness: Level 8
    Definite    ➨     Versatile
    Related Links:
    1. en fabrication
    2. fr fabrication
    3. en fabricate
    4. en fabrick
    5. en fabrics